About PT Thorcon Power Indonesia

PT ThorCon Power Indonesia was founded in 2021 as a totally owned foreign direct investment company (PMA) by ThorCon International Pte, Ltd, which has had a Representative Office in Jakarta, Indonesia since 2018 and was previously known as Martingale Inc from 2015 to 2018. ThorCon has gained good traction with the Indonesian Government including the recent activity of 3S (Safety, Security and Safeguards) Consultation with the nuclear regulator (BAPETEN) started on last March of 2023 until February of 2024. The expected output documents from the Consultation are masterplan, agreed roadmap, documents of requirements, and design readiness evaluation. As the only nuclear firm operating in Indonesia which proposing to build a Nuclear Power Plant with private investment, the Government has provided recommendation letter to ThorCon to prepare for the implementation of TMSR500 project. With these matters above, ThorCon has to be potentially become the first company to build and operate Indonesian first Nuclear Power Plant.
About ThorCon International Pte, Ltd.
ThorCon International, Pte. Ltd. is a Singapore-based special purpose company which established for the purpose of financing the $USD 1,2 billion Indonesia project. ThorCon US Inc. and private investors owned a portion of the corporation. The CEO of ThorCon International, Pte. Ltd. is David C. Devanney, which is also the founder of ThorCon Power.
About ThorCon US, Inc.
ThorCon US, Inc. is a business-based company in the United States, owned by the founder of ThorCon Power, that owns the intellectual property for the ThorCon TMSR500 design and is responsible for the project’s technical and engineering aspects. The CEO of ThorCon US, Inc. is Lars Jorgensen, the company’s principal designer and founder.
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Our Vision and Mission
To be the leading global provider of clean and cheap energy to power the world toward humanity sustainable future.
- To implement and license ThorCon prototype TMSR500 through Indonesia National Strategic Project.
- To build world class corporate culture based on 5 (five) values:Professionalism, Loyalty, Integrity, Ethics, and Discipline.
- To prepare world class human resources in collaboration withIndonesian Higher Education Institution to be competitive in the faceof global competition.
- To create continuous improvement and innovation onmanagement, design, and engineering to synergize with Indonesian Research Institutions to increase mastery of advanced nuclear technology.
- To prepare world class supply chain to support the building of Indonesia nuclear industries synergizing with Indonesia State Own Enterprises.
Our Company Logo

"L" Shape: a stylized letter "L" which stands for "LowCost". This highlights ThorCon's commitment to providing cost-effective nuclear power solutions. The design is sleek and modern, indicating a forward-thinking and innovative approach to nuclear technology.

The small red rectangle at the corner of the "T" can symbolize a building block, representing ThorCon as a leading player in the nuclear power industry in Indonesia. This element suggests precision, engineering excellence, and stability.
Represents economy, suggesting ThorCon's approach is strategic and vital for economic growth. The association of blue with depth and stability aligns with the company's mission to provide reliable and long-lasting nuclear energy solutions. Blue conveys trust and responsibility, emphasizing the importance of ThorCon's role in supporting the country's economic future through stable energy provision
Represents energy and draws attention, symbolizing ThorCon's commitment to delivering safe and reliable energy. The use of red reflects the company's proactive approach to ensuring energy security and the high level of focus on safety, as well as its dedication to maintaining a dynamic presence in the energy sector.
Our Team
Board of Directors

Chief Executive Officer
David Devanney
David Devanney has a history of starting up new companies involved in a variety of areas including education, power generation, real estate development and marine transportation. His most successful venture was the founding and management of Tankship Transport which was a ship owning and operating company which managed one million deadweight tons of its own large oil tankers and another million tons of tankers for outside owners. He received a BA in philosophy from Loyola University

Chief Operating Officer
Bob S. Effendi
Bob S. Effendi, a computer engineer educated in the USA, has over 25 years of experience in the energy sector, including oil, gas, and coal mining. In 2017, as part of the energy working group in the National Committee of Economic and Industries (KEIN), he prioritized nuclear power, leading to government momentum on Thorcon's TMSR500 project. In 2021, he became COO of PT Thorcon Power Indonesia, steering the project towards national priority status in 2022.

Chief Finance Officer
Niels Berger
Niels has 25 years of experience managing companies in the shipping and insurance industries. Business and Accounting Degrees from University of Gothenburg.
Head of Departments

Head of Risk & Compliance
Deltadi Rachman
Risk Professional with 15+ years experiences with well-known multinational banks, with strong expertise in Risk Management, Treasury Control, Balance Sheet Management including treasury activities on both Money and Foreign Exchange Market. Certified Financial Risk Manager (FRM) – by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP). Former Member of Energy and Mineral Resources Industry Working Group of Committee of Economy and Industry Republic of Indonesia (POKJA ESDM KEIN RI) 2017 - 2019.

Head of Nuclear Safety
Tagor M. Sembiring
Worked in BATAN for 28 years since 1993. He received his Bachelor from Nuclear Engineering of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. His research focused on the reactor physics, reactor technology and reactor safety for research reactors, LWR, HTGR and MSR. As a principal researcher, some of his works have been published in the high-quality journals as well as the computer codes for reactor safety analysis has been developed. Now he is as a nuclear safety senior manager in PT ThorCon Power Indonesia. He is responsible for activities related to the consultations on preparation for the licensing process (CPLP), the fuel laboratory at ITB, feasibility studies and also ecological studies.

Head of Power & System Planning
Erwin Mirza
Worked for PT PLN for 29 years in mostly handling, planning, and managing Power Systems and Business in the Jawa-Bali region.

Head of Legal & General Affair
Zahra Nadhila S.
Educated in Law degree from University of Indonesia in 2019. Zahra joined ThorCon since 2019 as Legal & Administration. Zahra previously was also responsible in Media Relations in ThorCon and engaged with some youth nuclear communities to running some projects.

Bangka Branch Manager
Erridian Rosnata
Erridian Rosnata graduated from Trisakti University majoring in economics. Has experience in finance for more than 10 years. He is also one of the successful entrepreneurs in Bangka Belitung. Erridian joined Thorcon in 2022 as head of the Bangka branch office and has responsibility for government relations and narrating nuclear energy for both the government and the surrounding community. To advance Bangka Belitung in the field of technology-based industries, as the son of the region, he strongly supports the construction of PLTT in Bangka Belitung.